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    Hello My name is hyeongju Seo. English name is Allen. I want to become trainer in coach Park training center. because I need to real output training. My job is ERP Programer. ERP mean is Enterprise Resouce Praning. I have been made a Enterprise Recouce Management Program. When I work, often meet foreign customer. I can hard study group. Believe me. Thanks

    5년후 나의모습

    I want to join to the foreign company. and get married my girl fiend. have babys. I have a house and car. When I wake up, My wife or daughter shake me. I eat breakfast with my familly. and go to th my company by car. I join morning meeting in company and hard working. After work out, i go to th house. When i enter th house, my son and daughter greeting me. This dream is beautiful scene. Thanks



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스터디 개설내역


스터디개설내역 게시판. 총 20개의 게시물이 등록되어있습니다. (1/ 2 page)

스터디개설내역 게시판
번호 시간 제목 접수기간 인원 상태 미션영상
20 트레이너 스터디 주말(토)
인텐1 12시 2015.04.25~2015.05.02 0/3
19 Intensive 1 주말(토)
Intensive 1 2015.04.25~2015.05.02 0/3
18 트레이너 스터디 주말(토)
인텐1 12시 2015.03.27~2015.04.04 0/3
17 Intensive 1 주말(토)
Intensive 1 2015.03.27~2015.04.04 0/3
16 트레이너 스터디 주말(토)
트레이너 스터디(인텐).. 2014.12.23~2015.01.03 0/3
15 Intensive 1 주말(토)
Intensive 1 2014.12.23~2015.01.03 0/3
14 트레이너 스터디 주말(토)
트레이너 스터디.. 2014.11.24~2014.12.06 0/3
13 Intensive 1 주말(토)
Intensive 1 2014.11.24~2014.12.06 0/3 취소
12 Intensive 1 주말(토)
Intensive 1 2014.11.24~2014.12.06 0/3 취소
11 트레이너 스터디 주말(토)
트레이너 스터디(인텐시브).. 2014.10.27~2014.11.08 0/3 취소
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