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트레이너 리스트트레이너 레벨명예의 전당
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    Hello. My name is Clair. I've been studying English in this training center since March 2013. I'm a web publisher. I usually make html pages for the new website. Therefore, I have to know some information about new web technology. If I want to get information early than other people, I should know the English. Most of the knowledge is written by English. That's why I started studying English. Now I try to be a trainer as a kind of step mastering English.

    5년후 나의모습

    After 5 years, I can speak English fluently and talk with foreigner. I am going to change my company to foreign as a Front End Engineer(developer). I will be married and have some children. At that time, I can let my children know the English by myself.



트레이너 영상


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스터디 개설내역


스터디개설내역 게시판. 총 1개의 게시물이 등록되어있습니다. (1/ 1 page)

스터디개설내역 게시판
번호 시간 제목 접수기간 인원 상태 미션영상
1 Intensive 1 주중(월~금)
intensive1 2014.03.22~2014.04.02 4/5
처음 이전 페이지 1   다음마지막
  • 개인정보취급방침
  • 이용약관
  • 이메일 무단수집거부
  • 오시는길