맞춤형 상담신청




트레이너 리스트트레이너 레벨명예의 전당
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    My name is K.R. Kim. You can just call me 'Kim' or 'Rock'. I'm here to share a dream with you. I'm here with you to accomplish the dream together. We know that speaking in fluent english is a powerful tool for our dream. Let's soar high into the sky with the two wings, coach Park and coach Nam. I think our best is yet to come.

    5년후 나의모습

    - Enjoy watching movies without subtitles in an easy chair ? - Walking round foreign shopping malls wih my kids? - Woking in an overseas branch office, furthermore, in a seat which is close to a window?



트레이너 영상


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스터디 개설내역


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