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서울시 공무원 외국어 스피치대회 최우수상 - 스피치 원문

서울시공무원 외국어스피치대회!
김성환님은 어떤 주제로, 어떤 내용으로 스피치를 하셨을까요?

최우수상이라면, 발음, 스피치 스킬 아니라 주제와 원고글의 내용도 중요했을 같은데요.

김성환님께서 직접 쓰신 스피치대회 발표 원고, "Eco-Friendly Seoul" 전문을 공개해주셨습니다. ^^

Eco-Friendly Seoul - written by Kim, Sungwhan-

Ladies and gentlemen, nice to meet you.
 I'm Kim, Sungwhan working at Seoul city hall.

These days there are a few things which attract the world attention. Eco-friendly environment is definitely one of them. It is also one of the main interest of Seoul for better life.

Before we move on, let's think about what Eco-friendly means. Why Eco-friendly? Let's look at these pictures together.

What city is this picture about? As you can guess, left one is Seoul. The other one is Freiburg in Germany. Guten Tag? Ich liebe Seoul!

Which city looks more wonderful to live in? Which city looks more eco-friendly?

Berlin is Germany's political capital, you know. However, there is another capital in Germany. Do you know where it is? It is Freiburg which I have been talking about so far. It is called an environmental capital.

This city was built through the movement of anti-nuclear power plant. Instead of using nuclear energy, Freiburg saves energy and makes eco-friendly plans introducing new traffic system and waste treatment facilities. Here is a beautiful picture of Freiburg, saving energy tower.

From now on, I am going to talk about. Seoul makes MOU with Freiburg. However, it is impossible to change Seoul to the eco-friendly city just making MOU with the eco-friendly city, Freiburg. Let's think about what we can make the eco-friendly Seoul.

Here are some ideas we can do.

1. Eco-favored municipal administration

1) Developing and using eco-friendly energy

To make Seoul an eco-friendly city, the first thing we have to focus on is that we should make the full use of natural resources such as sunshine as Freiburg does. It would be one of the ideas that all the newly-built construction should adopt sunlighting system inside of a building by law. In addition, we make some efforts to introduce the eco-friendly power facilities in Seoul which lead to create jobs, as well.

2) Eco-friendly traffic policy

(1) Traffic-control zone

We can create the "No Car Zone" like Freiburg. It is not allowed to drive a car into this zone which is located here and there in the center of Seoul. Only public transportations such as buses and the traffic for the disabled can pass through this area.

(2) Convenient traffic system

How about making the flat rate traffic card ? This card can be used at all of the public transportations for a month as much as you like. This card can also be used several times in a day. Furthermore, user's family can make a trip to any place just with this card during holidays or weekends.

2. Raise awareness of citizen

1) Environmental education at school

The environmental education can be one of the key factors to make citizens and students be aware of the importance of eco-friendly environment. For this, all students from elementary to secondary are advised to take the subjects like biology or home education to raise their consciousness on environmental nature. Ultimately, all of these efforts leads students to think about how nature is important.


2) Environmental education at society

It is suggested that the educational institute for environment should be introduced by the cooperative efforts by the city of Seoul and environmental groups. It leads every single citizen to participate in the environmental education on their own will. Eventually, the eco-friendly thought takes its priority among the citizens of Seoul.

I know it's not easy to make all that I mention come true in the real world. It takes a lot of money. However, all things are more than money itself because they are for our city and next generation. That's right. It is high time to turn our difficult time to another green opportunity.
All things considered, I would like to suggest that we have to work together to make the eco-friendly Seoul city be the environmental capital in Asia.

Thank you for listening.

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