맞춤형 상담신청


다시 한번 확인 부탁드립니다.

저도 확인을 다시 해 봤습니다..

한번 더 확인 부탁드리고,,안되면 어쩔 수 없네요...다들 바쁘실텐데..
(다행히 스마트폰 어플에서는 정상적으로 잘 됩니다)

제가 받아 놓은 파일이 이상할지 몰라서..공개자료실에서 다시 받아서 실행해 봤는데

아래 부분 부터가 재생은 되지만 스크립트가 나타 나지 않습니다.

Apple has only four stores in china and get the heaviest traffic out of all the Apple shops and none are in Kunming. Nor is this store authorized to sell apple products although it's now planning to apply for a license. Still, the store manager who also didn't want to show his face on camera says all products are real and come with a guarantee.
“Well, it feels like the real thing. Yes. It’s definitely a real apple product. So what's the problem?”
“Apple has very strict standards we have to meet for the store display and service,” says this authorized dealer in Kunming. But the brand is so popular here in China that fans like this young boy say they don't care if the store or the products aren't real, as long as they work. Ensuring a next generation of fans for the next generation iPod. For "today," Adrian Mong, NBC news, Kunming , China.


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